Monday, February 18, 2013

Mindy McCready Suicide and Mental Health

I felt great sadness when I heard about the "suicide" death of Mindy Mccready, but I was not surprised. The young woman had been suffering with mental illness and self medicating with drugs and alcohol since she was a kid. She has been crying out for help forever and is one of those people who could not manage her mental health and life on her own. Mindy is another example of someone that has been done a disservice because the government and the ACLU were so conscious of not infringing on her civil rights. Now she's dead, her children are motherless, and she and her children went through pure hell before it all came to an end. Her children will continue to go through hell to some extent, even if they get the appropriate help, for the rest of their lives. We used to have state hospitals for those who couldn't function in society. They were protected to some extent and so was society. At least they weren't out on the streets living as homeless people self medicating with drugs and alcohol and having children that they can't take care of. They weren't out among us having access to guns where they might go on a rampage anywhere and anytime killing massive amounts of people for reasons that only they know of. Now, our prisons are filling up with the mentally ill. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends at this difficult time. May her soul rest in peace... There is something terribly wrong with our system... Here is a youtube video of Mindy singing "I'm Still Here"

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Control Them Guns!

I've been having hella thoughts about gun control.  I'm all for "gun control", meaning implementing stricter gun laws so we know who the gun owner is, etc.  However, this will not stop the lunatics from obtaining guns and going on shooting rampages.

 We will also need to address the black market that provide guns to those on the street with no controls.  The black market will become even more successful with the tighter gun controls.  Just like it is with drugs.

Another issue we desperately need to address is the mental health issue of those that have gone on these rampages.  In almost every case, there has been prior evidence that the individual was suffering from a mental illness and was not receiving the treatment they needed.  If they didn't want the treatment, they weren't required to get it.  Never mind that they weren't capable of making those kinds of decisions for themselves because they were mentally ill, but their civil rights had to be protected at any costs to the rest of society.  It is my opinion, the mentally ill are being done a disservice by protecting their civil rights when they won't take their meds, etc.  It is also my opinion that the rest of society is being done a disservice by the government allowing this to happen and "we", the rest of society are being told "to hell with you".  You and your civil rights don't matter! Something needs to change...